I've been hearing from new Journaling Sisters this week that either they'd like to start journaling in their lives, or they'd like to use it to help writer's block. I can certainly understand that. A longtime writer's block is certainly not fun, whether you consider yourself a writer, or just a regular journaler!
Journaling is one of those things that can seem especially deceptively simple! All it is is paper and pen and... you. What could be more easy? Now just start writing!
Or it can seem old-fashioned: What? Journal? Like in a notebook? How old-school!
[VIDEO RECOMMENDATION: I wrote this listening and watching this 'snowy' video. If you like soft music while you're thinking or writing then I suggest you read this post with this video as backdrop. We don't get this scenery down in Texas but it sure makes me feel cozy and wintry. I hope you enjoy it too!]