Face the complexities of life with your journal.
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So this post today is all about how we can slow down this fall. And what a perfect time to do so! Fall is all about change and renewing. I actually pulled a tarot card for myself this week that was the Moth of Death card. It freaked me out at first (the little skull!) until I realized it’s really about letting go of some things so we can welcome new things into our lives.
What are you ready to let go?
So let’s do this-- here are 10 creative ways we can slow down this season:
1. Take a walk in a park
Even better, bring your journal! Pay attention to all your surroundings as if you’re an alien visiting this planet. What are these huge things? And all these little flimsy things on the ground? These amazing colors! You could journal on that. Bring a hot chocolate in a flask or buy one and get cozy on a bench. Push yourself a little and take a longer walk than you normally would. Breathe in that fresh air. Pick a flower and some leaves. See #10.
2. Bake
I personally love baking but you certainly don’t need to do anything fancy to simply enjoy the process of baking. It truly is playing with food! Notice the textures, smells, how it feels on your hands. I love the feeling like you’re doing a big yummy chemistry experiment! And your apartment smells like a bakery! I personally love smitten kitchen. I just linked to her amazing chocolate chip cookie recipe. You're welcome. I might just have to go make this after I finish writing this...
3. Make a tiny painting
Why tiny? For those of us with perfectionist patterns (which I’m realizing more and more I’m guilty of) this is a great way to get around that. Who can screw up a 4x4” painting? Why delay until you have 'hours' to do it? It’s cute and small; it’ll be adorable whatever you do! And then you can easily hang it up or stick it in your journal. I totally love the idea of art journaling-- which I am just learning about! If you do this, let me know!
Tool: This is the watercolor paint set I have and I love it. Did you know they have 'squeeze brushes now'?? I still have my old large brushes, but this is so convenient for finer painting. The size and variety of colors make this fun and easy to use.
4. Make a fort!
I love forts. I think it reminds me of being in the womb. Call me crazy. But I love that feeling of hiding inside and being all warm and cozy and the world is somewhere out there and can’t touch me. OK, so it’s a fort of blankets but who cares?
How can you make this at home? A few chairs? A big closet and some cushions? Even on your bed under some blankets with a flashlight will do! What do you want in your fort? A good book, hot chocolate, the cookies that you baked, a small lamp? Don’t forget your journal! See how it feels to journal inside your fort. Sign up for journaling prompts here if you need some help to get going.
5. Write a poem
With your journal in your fort, or at the park, try and write a poem. It does not need to be fancy or Pulitzer-winning. Describe what you see. What do you feel right now? Where do you feel it? A favorite quote or song lyric? Favorite band? Your favorite hobby as a kid? It can totally be short. Very short. There! You did it!
6. Go to an open mic
This is the only one of the activities here that actually requires being social. It’s not that I’m against social interaction -- of course I'm for it! But sometimes we can get pulled into the external and what other people are doing, and that can make it harder for us to connect with ourselves. But as a previous spoken word poet, I’m partial to open mics. So.
7. Take a bath with a bath bomb
Do you usually take baths? If not, then push yourself to take a short bath. Frankly, I used to hate baths, and I finally realized why. It’s because I was too impatient to just sit with nothing to do. I'm still impatient, but now I've come to love them. I still need to remind myself to make the time though. How can you spice up your bath routine? Bath bomb? A few candles? Entertainment (podcast, TV) is fine while in the bath but push yourself to have a few moments of quiet first. Don't worry, I won’t ask you to journal in the bath.
8. Get a massage
Treat yourself to a massage. Or a facial. And you will feel like this woman above. I admit I actually have never had a facial but I hear great things! However, I DO LOVE massages and acupuncture. Groupon or livingsocial also offer great discounts.
9. Write a letter
Remember the lost art of letter writing? Can you remember the last time you received a real-life letter in the mail? Surprise someone you love -- a dear friend you haven’t spoke to in a while or your grandmother -- with a letter. Spend the time to find stationery or a card you love. Or make one. I love this pretty vintage style stationery. And thesevintage envelopes. Or these old school airmail ones! Have fun decorating with washi tape-- they make anything look cute immediately and are easy to use. And writing with colored pens are my new favorite thing.
10. Flatten the flowers and leaves in your journal.
Put a heavy book on it for good measure. Draw or paint around it.
But most importantly, have fun!