Or 'Slow Down & Love Yourself' since October at Journaling Sisters has been all about slowing down!
I wrote about practicing self-love here.
I realized many of the times I feel stressed, in a funk, out of whack, things aren't going right -- it's not that things OUT THERE aren't going well, but because I am just being uber hard on myself.
I used to be very cognizant of being my best cheerleader when I was on my own or having a bad time in a relationship.
However, I realized that now that I am working on my own I need to be especially vigilant as well. Working with, by oneself takes an extremely large amount of discipline. It is not only the actual work that needs to get done with no one looking over your shoulder and telling you what to do, there is also no one there to share in your big moments with a congratulatory pat on the back. Or even just the proverbial chat by the water cooler.