What a week it has been. I don't know about you, but it seems to be 'cold season.' When temperatures start changing and somehow just one night of leaving the window cracked (I like to get fresh air) left me with a slight sore throat the next morning which just did not want to leave my side the rest of the week.
That compounded with it being that time of the month, left my brain slowing down to not quite a stop, but not running around as I usually tend to do. Which may have been a good thing.
Which leads me to my vlog #3: Confession time: I've been lying to you.
No one likes to admit they were wrong or not doing as they've been preaching.
And I think especially when we're in the teaching or leading role, we especially feel the extra pressure to be 'perfect' modeling what we're teaching. But we're only human right?
So I wanted to come out and be open and honest with you. I have not been slowing down and doing all the self-care that I have been preaching to you!
I have finally realized it'd be best for me to just come out with it for 3 reasons:
1. It's a bit of a relief.
Lying is quite exhausting. So is feeling bad. Coming out with the truth, instead of secretly pretending I've been meeting my ideals, feels so much better.
2. You can only start to improve after you've acknowledged where you're at.
Now that I've honestly acknowledged to myself and to you, my sisters community, where I need help, then I can honestly start to move forward.
3. Going public holds me accountable.
By saying, "I promise to start prioritizing my personal and creative needs" and sharing it with you, that helps to motivate me and gently but firmly push me as well. It's good when others have positive expectations of you.
Creative supplies:
Here is the watercolor set I mention in my vlog! It is so compact and efficient. You just fill up the watercolor brush pen with water -- and voila! You're all set to go! http://amzn.to/2hBAhNq
And... don't forget--- my Women's Self-Care Retreat is happening ONLINE on Sunday, December 3! And early bird tickets are about to end soon this Sunday, November 19! Be there or be square!