Starting this 30 day journaling journey, I did not realize how tough it would turn out to be! I didn't think it would be easy -- but it was certainly harder to show up here everyday than I thought. I am quite proud of myself now.
I guess it is like moving into a new home. You look around you and it still feels a bit unfamiliar. You feel a bit tentative, though this is technically your home now. Even pets get disoriented and scared when moving to a new space. It's normal that humans do too. This digital space is the same. It takes a while for us to feel at home, even if it is not a physical space.
To feel comfortable that we can speak up and share our intimate thoughts and secrets, is not easy. Many of us have been judged or ridiculed or criticized our whole lives. It's hard to trust others when that was our experience when we were little and open. I certainly get that. I didn't have an easy first few years. My first dad was scary and violent. A terrifying environment for a kid or anyone.
I still have a lot to learn, to grow and open up. I started a new relationship during this pandemic year. I've slowly opened up to a new person. Sometimes I feel I've opened up a lot. And then I realize how much I am holding back, in trying to protect myself. No criticism there, just being really gentle and loving with myself as I try to open up more and more.
Where do you hold back in trusting others? Certainly, there is a time and place for when we should be cautious, especially as women. But with those close to us, have you noticed when you hold back even when you'd like to open up more? What is that like?