Partly why I have been not sharing as much here is -- I realized -- that I felt I needed to be a certain way, have a smile on my face and give really FUN and PRODUCTIVE journaling prompts!
Funny thing is I specifically spoke with a journaling sister (or two) about journaling about hard things specifically -- whether in the present or in the past -- and meant to write about it but never did.
And I think I never did because I thought why would anyone want to read about that?
And then I had my wake up call.
One of our journaling sisters recently left our community, and when I asked her why she was leaving she said things were too busy and she would have to get back to journaling in the future.
I admit that stunned and devastated me but I am recovering now with a determined new attitude.
I realize for you to feel you can truly use this space for YOU, through all the hard times -- because c'mon that's what life is! -- I need to first demonstrate that myself.
I need to show up when things are hard.
I don't need to get into every single detail but I do need to continue to be here when things are hard and it might just do you AND me good to show a little about how things are going for me --- whether that's hard or easy. It's real.
And hopefully if it's too much, you'll let me know! Haha...
But really, this 'journaling thing' is not just a thing to me. It's not a trend.
It's not a fun thing that you only do when you're traveling on vacation. (Though that is awesome too!)
It comes in most handy when you are struggling. In day to day life.
Because we're only human right!
So here are my top 3 tips for how to journal when it just feels too dang hard:
1. No Pressure
Don't give yourself any pressure to journal any specific amount of pages or for how long. If you can get yourself in a comfy chair with your favorite journal and a nice pen, THAT IS SO GOOD. You can write 1 line or 3. Just try to soak in that quiet moment and appreciate yourself for that.
2. Just Write, Don't Think
Many times we can get scared of the flood of emotions or thoughts that rush to our mind's forefront. It can be from the past. It can be right now. We try to pick apart every detail and understand 'what happened.' But we're getting ahead of ourselves. Try to simply let the flow of thoughts swirl through your mind and go through your arm out onto the page. That's it. You are a conduit. Let it come out. It wants to come out.
3. Be Slow & Gentle
When we are going through hard times, everything and I mean everything is going to feel ESPECIALLY hard. Or if you're like me, maybe you feel special antagonism for anyone and everyone that you come across. Whatever it is, this is the perfect time for us to be SLOW and GENTLE with ourselves, our mind, body and soul. The same with your journal and quiet space. Journaling starts with the quiet space that you create for yourself. Turn on meditative music, light a candle, take your time and make herbal tea. Watch the water boil. We are often not raised to be really gentle on ourselves. It's fine to have big dreams and goals. But during hard times, pretend as if you're a monarch butterfly and try to be that delicate with yourself.
If this was helpful at all, DO COMMENT below! Or share with a girlfriend who could really use it!