"Appreciation" is also the theme of the next #ONE21 Project coming up October 18. Whether it feels like we're doing well or struggling presently in our lives, I believe it's always helpful to think about what we presently appreciate in our lives and ourselves. It helps us focus on the positive, but also makes us feel more hopeful and inspired and empowered. A positive cycle overall!
Speaking of deer -- a new friend recently told me a deer story. He had a friend who always saw deer on the side of the highway. He was impressed, "Wow-- I never see deer on the highway..."
"Well, do you ever look?"
"Um, no..."
I love this story. There are so many things in life that we don't look out for. But are there for us to see and appreciate if we just paused to look. Whether it's wildflowers by the road or friendships we might take for granted --- I encourage you today to think about what might you see if you paused and took a look?