I had a lovely, full holidays this Christmas. I went to my grandmother's house outside of Boston. My parents flew in from Hong Kong, and my brother and his girlfriend--whom I met for the first time-- drove down from Maine. My aunt and her family (and new baby!) came from western Massachusetts. It was definitely a full house. Got to have some nice chats with my mom, and share my new business with my brother's girlfriend.
But my main highlight was all the time I spent with my (paternal) grandmother. If you are on my newsletter list, you've heard me mention her often. She is 93 years old. That still dumbfounds me. She raised 5 children while my grandfather worked outside the home at a bank. She has been through a lot. But the other thing that is hard for me to wrap my head around is she talks about planning for after she passes on a lot. That used to be hard for me. But now I see that she has a lot of time on her hands to think about it. And how she wants to make it as easy as possible for her children.
This week I enjoyed all the moments we had together, listening to all of her stories. Some I had heard before, but many I had not. I enjoyed hearing about her life and her jobs before she was married. And all that she accomplished as a mom of 5. I think most of all, I like that she still has strong opinions--at the age of 93!--and can be indignant, upset, or heartbroken.
I talk about our feelings a lot here at Journaling Sisters. They are not everything, but they are extremely important. We are human after all. We get upset, have dreams, regrets, laughter. That's what makes us different from other animals.
I may not talk a lot about our not-so-happy emotions here, but I value them all the same. I hope you journal on them. And I will plan a future blog post on how to handle negative emotions later.
Meanwhile, I don't know about you but I am THRILLED for 2018! 2017 was filled with lots of rough spots. A fire, several moves, hectic job, terrible landlords... it's like out of a movie.
But also, the birth of Journaling Sisters. And so my overwhelming feeling I am left with from 2017 is GRATEFUL.
I'm grateful to my creative business coach who thoughtfully guided and supported me that I could create a business based on what was in my heart. I'm grateful to my partner for always loving me. I'm grateful to myself for persisting and believing in the Universe and myself, even when it wasn't easy.
So let's look FORWARD to 2018, shall we? Here are the 5 prompts I'd like you to take to your journal:
1. Your Word of the Year
Have you chosen your word for 2018 yet? If you haven't, take the time to journal on it now and try to narrow it down. Pick your top 3 words and then try to pick one from there. You have 24 hours to make your final decision! The point is not to be rigid here, but to really make a decision and a commitment and tune into what your heart is telling you. I know a lot of times, when I vacillate it is due to fear or something going on underneath. Journal on those feelings.
2. What does it mean to you? List 3 ways.
What does your word mean to you? List 3 meanings it holds for you. Why is it important? Why did you choose this word specifically?
3. How will you make space for it?
How will you intentionally make space for this word to show up in your life? What can you do to help it along?
4. Notice any resistance.
It may not be easy welcoming this word into your life. What patterns do you currently have that might hold resistance to your new word? Being aware is a great first step.
5. What kind of help will you need?
Too often we go through life feeling we can 'do it all.' That may be the case, but it's so much more fun when we bring in others too! Think about who you can invite into your vision. Who might be able to help with any resistance? Who do you think would be a natural with your word?
This is YOUR year!
I am so thrilled to go into 2018 with all of you! I hope that you, too, see the Journaling Sisters community as your own, to seek and receive support and inspiration, as you go for your big goal in 2018.
Here are a few ways you can receive support going into the new year:
1. My 30 day Dream Journal to help you towards your goal with daily prompts and action steps, plus emails from me throughout!
2. Personal Mini Retreat to receive focused time 1:1 with me. Email me for more info.
3. Local Austin Retreat on January 12!
4. Join our Facebook group to receive regular inspiration, journaling prompts, and meet other amazing women.
See you next year!!