We are still in the month of January, though personally it has felt like a full month already. I guess being out sick for 2 some weeks will do that to you. When every hour feels particularly elongated...
But while we are still in the period of trying to think fresh about our year ahead, it's a good time to think about:
What are your Priorities?
Try to pick 3-5 main priorities for the year.
First, it might help to do a "Brain Dump" -- take out a large piece of paper, some color pens, and think through all the areas of importance in your life you'd like to emphasize. Don't worry about choosing right now. Don't censor. Just do a "word vomit" onto the page.
After you feel you are finished, circle up to 5 top most important areas to you that you want to emphasize this year.
Then, go back and star 3 of them.
Write those priorities out on an index card, one each and put them where you will see them. Your mirror, fridge, etc. An example can be: Build up my muscles. OR Spend quality time with dad.