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Boundaries are not easy for most people. So please definitely do not feel bad if you feel you are lacking in this area. I am NO expert! By any means. But I do enjoy talking about it and thinking about it and sharing my thoughts about it. Please feel free to comment below if you are thinking about setting up boundaries in your life or love the idea or anything at all --- I'd love to hear!
So trying to put up boundaries can be hard for many reasons. Mainly because when we were young we didn't have many boundaries. Sure we needed to be close to our mom or our parents, that's a good thing. But we were also vulnerable to anything or anyone who may not have our best interests at heart. We had no way of protecting ourselves. And that might have been a little scary at times, whether we remember the small incidental moments or not.
So the question I pose in today's blog post: Where could you benefit from setting up some boundaries in your life? There are probably multiple areas where we could set up multiple boundaries. But if you pause and ponder for a moment, I'm sure you have one specific area or thorn that pops up in your mind.
One area for me where I needed boundaries in the past was in my relationships. They were all consuming for me. And the pressure did not even necessarily come from them! I would get caught up in the relationship and caretaking them. I would worry about all kinds of little things about them, for them. That is a place where I likely needed boundaries, and probably needed help externally to put them in place but I wasn't ready yet. So I think, in any situation like this, the very first step --- just like in any addiction --- is to first acknowledge that you have a problem.
But for this week's journaling, feel free to start in an area where you can tell that you'd like some boundaries -- no matter how difficult it may feel to set up, not to worry! Baby steps. Baby steps.
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