I titled this blog post: Your Dreams & Your Fears because I think both are important right now. Your Fears are important to acknowledge and process. And Your Dreams are still important to hold onto and well, dream about!
Your Fears
It's important to find a way to process your fears on a regular basis that works for you. They can include:
- talking with friends, including video chat
- writing in a journal
- meditation
- taking a walk while taking deep breaths and thinking about what you're worried about
- creative artsy project (paint your fear!)
Ideally try to do at least one of these things each day. Each is very varied which can also be useful.
Your Dreams
It's good to balance out thinking about our fears with remembering our dreams too. Yes, there are lots of things we can't do right now. (To be able to swim again!) But we can still make plans for the future. We can still brainstorm once this period is over what our trip to Morocco will look like. For me, it's a surf vegan camp in Portugal.
This is a perfect journaling exercise! Grab your favorite drink, some light meditative music, your favorite spot to sit in your home, maybe even a candle. All you need is 10-15 minutes.
DAILY DABBLES is an easy way to start your own daily journaling habit. Simple prompts sent to you to ponder a few minutes a day. Click here to learn more.
Let me know how it goes for you or any other thoughts below. You can also write me directly at shiuan at shiuan butler dot com!